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FundersClub: getting Crowdfunding right

If you can't get the top-tier companies, you can't get the companies that follow whatever top-tier companies do. You end up with wanterpreneurs tricking...

Being safe with mongodb

A quick public service announcement about MongoDB, for those of us new to NoSQL land

Sidecar and Digital Reputation Systems

Yes, if you're looking for Uber-like service at Taxi-like prices and aren't made uncomfortable by just how sketchy the whole thing feels.

My $370 Adjustable Sit-Stand Desk Setup

that results in an email asking where one buys such a thing. One buys such a thing on amazon.

Weekend Hack: A Markov Baby Name Generator

a Markov Chain is a simple random process to generate text that looks sort of like other text.

Non-Technical Hiring, Lessons Learned

Our application form included several paragraph answers, forcing candidates to think and allowing me to evaluate their writing style. This proved very h...

Migrating from Posterous to Jekyll on GitHub Pages

I may be a bit late to the Jekyll party, but with Posterous being acquired by twitter a few months ago, I figured why not try it out. Two weekends later ...