The 4 Kinds of Software Engineers you'll find at a startup

10 September 2024

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The 4 Kinds of Software Engineers you’ll find at a Startup

All the job titles that new CS grads apply to say “Software Engineer”. This is silly. Football players don’t apply to be a “Football Player” - receivers use dramatically different skills compared to linemen or quarterbacks. So too for for software engineers: in the real world, different teams and roles requires different approaches and skillsets.

Below, I have done my best to document the kinds of engineering roles and personalities I encountered during my time at companies like Facebook, Opendoor and MasterClass. Hopefully, it’ll help Engineers decide what kind of job they should look for next, and help Founders decide who they need to hire and when.

Category Founding Engineer Growth Engineer Product Engineer Platform Engineer
I do ___
so we can ___
Build V1 of the product
get to PMF
Optimize key metrics
make that $$$
Build the product
make customers happy
Optimize eng velocity
get more done
Archetypal Example Greg Brockman

Early Eng → CTO @ Stripe, → Co-founded OpenAI
Darius Contractor

Growth Eng at Dropbox → Head of Growth at Messenger/Airtable
Lenny Rachinsky

Longtime Engineer/EM → PM Leader at Airbnb → Substackerista
Brendan Burns

Invented K8s at Google → Distinguished Eng career at Microsoft
Company Stage Day 1 until Series A, though try to keep them around through to IPO Once you have ~$5M in revenue, usually

Series ~B onwards
Once you have PMs or can’t sell the “founding team” dream anymore.
Series Seed/A onwards
Once you have 30 or so engineers,
Usually series B onwards.
Focused on Metrics? 🔴“I’m moving this 0 to a 1, does that count?” ✅✅ “that’s the whole job” 🤔 “theoretically, but my true love is React the product” ✅ gives presentations like “how we moved p95 response time down 120ms”
Puts CS degree to good use? 🟡 maybe if it’s a very technical product 🔴 only if “learning to do the minimum to pass” counts 🟡 maybe if you’re building at actual scale ✅ actually? maybe.
Scrappy? ✅ not really a choice ✅ but never full cowboy 🙅‍♂️ we do things properly 🙅‍♂️ only during SEVs
Sworn Enemy Ex-big company Product Engineers. Experiment Cleanup Growth Engineers Product Engineer trying to use terraform
Typical Background Product Engineer looking to do “earlier stage” New Grad confused how they ended up on Growth Ex-FAANG looking to do “earlier stage” but tricked into doing this instead Product Engineer tired of not getting tech debt prioritized by their PMs
Ideal Backgrounds New Grad full of optimism or Former Founder that isn’t dead inside Former Founder that is dead inside New Grad excited about posting those “day in the life” tiktoks. Platform Engineer from similar but slightly larger company with an “eng blog”
Challenging transition from Platform Eng: “I spent the last week getting everything running in Docker and K8s, we’re ready for scaling now.” Product Engineer: “The spec is super basic, and I don’t think the designer thought through the edge cases.” Founding Eng: “Oh, the project I hacked together this week had been a quarterly OKR a different team? They’re welcome.” Coding Bootcamp
Ambition Founding my own startup. Failing that, I’ll run Engineering here. Founding my own company. Failing that, I’ll become a PM here. Switch companies every two years until one of them IPOs, then r/fatfire Just add “staff” to my title and pay me more, it’s fine.

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Thanks to Trevor & Josiah for contributing ideas.

Tags: #advice-for-engineers #career-development #humor #growth-engineering